Community Ambassadors attend session on entrepreneurship

Business owner Shaun Musil spoke with Anissa Pfeifer on Feb. 13 to Community Ambassadors from TMP and Hays High. The two spoke about their experiences being entrepreneurs.
Seniors Ryan Hernandez, Shyann Schumacher, Kallie Leiker and Isabelle Braun attended the Community Ambassadors session on entrepreneurship on Feb. 13 at Sunflower Bank.
In this session, downtown store owners Shaun Musil and Anissa Pfeifer spoke about their experiences with opening their businesses. Musil owns the Paisley Pair with his wife, and Pfeifer owns the Blue Heron with her sister.
“I thought the speakers gave us valuable life lessons,” Hernandez said. “I took away that you can’t be afraid of failure because if you do fail you can learn from it.”
Six members of Community Ambassadors were missing leaving the four Hays High students with five students from Thomas More Prep. The nine students first participated in an ice breaker before introducing themselves and their intended majors to the speakers.
The idea was to connect their intended careers to the speaker’s experience of not finding themselves in their intended fields. From this the speakers explained some of their experiences of owning their own shops and the importance of noticing the environment around them to maximize their revenue.
“The entrepreneurs really stressed taking risks and believing in your your own choices even though you will fail from time to time,” Schumacher said. “I think I benefited most from this session by learning what business owners experience on a day-to-day basis.”

Isabelle Braun is a senior who loves talking to new people and spending time with friends. She is very driven and plans to make her senior year the best...