College credit classes beneficial to high school students
There are a number of college credit classes to take in high school to get hours out of the way so a student doesn’t have to worry about them in college.
“It is beneficial especially for students who have a pretty strong idea of where they want to major or where their life is going,” instructor Diane Mason said.
Mason teaches one of the college credit classes at Hays High, the Fundamentals of Oral Communication.
“Well, I’ve been teaching the same class on campus for the university since 2004, so it was kind of a natural thing to teach it at the high school when the opportunity came along,” Mason said.
Instructor Jerett Pfannenstiel and instructor Matt Brooks also teach college classes.
“I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology, so I’ve always like the topic, so when it came open 13 years ago they asked if I was interested,” Brooks said.
Pfannenstiel teaches College Algebra.
“I think sometimes it helps them avoid having to take 18 or 20 hours a semester cause that’s a lot in college,” Brooks said. “Other than that it allows them a lot more leeway to try and graduate in four years and it helps cut down on cost.”
All three instructors classes are through Fort Hays State University.
“The class sizes are usually smaller and the students are more comfortable talking with their teacher at the high school because they know them,” Pfannenstiel said. “If they were to take it in college, then they won’t know their instructor and the instructor won’t know who they are either.”
Mason said she believes concurrent credits probably attract more motivated students.
“I think my favorite part of teaching a college class is the fact that I know these students are getting a big hurdle out of the way,” Pfannenstiel said. “College algebra is a big hurdle for most students in college, so just to know that I can help them tackle that class.”

alexis pfannenstiel is a graphic artist for the hays high guidon who completely despises capital letters (that's why they don't let her write, even though...