Student-led conferences give students opportunity to share career interests with parents
Student-led conferences were held March 6 and March 7 for freshman, sophomores and juniors. Each conference lasted around fifteen minutes.
Students were given a script with the general outline for what they needed to say during seminar. Over the past couple weeks, students have had opportunities during seminar to practice using the script.
The student-led conferences were a way for students to show their parents what classes they are interested in and what career path might be right for them using the website Career Cruising.
Career Cruising is a tool the school has started using to help students find a career path right for them, to choose classes they might want to take, to pre-enroll and even to create a resume.
Some students disliked that they had to attend these conferences and felt that they were a waste of time.
“I thought it was kind of pointless because my parents already knew everything that we talked about at the conference,” freshman Kilee Hale said.
Some teachers disagree though, believing that the conferences were a good opportunity to benefit both the student and their parents.
“I liked the conferences,” instructor Cheryl Shepherd-Adams said. “I like working with the parent and the student, especially for the benefit of the student.”
Allison Brooks is a senior, and this her fourth year in newspaper. Outside of newspaper, she is involved in DECA, Scholars Bowl, National Honors Society...