Junior Spencer Wittkorn attends ANHE
The band, along with the other music programs offered, here at Hays High are known for the individual talents of the members.
Junior Spencer Wittkorn was recognized for his talents and was selected to be a part of the All-National Honors Ensemble (ANHE).
The ANHE took place Nov. 26-29 at Walt Disney World in Orlando Fla. The performance took place at Coronado Springs Resort.
The resort had 5 or 6 buildings for hotels along with 5 or 6 ballrooms in different buildings throughout the resort Wittkorn said.
As a percussionist, Wittkorn has dedicated many hours to music over the course of five years. This year alone he has participated in numerous events that allowed him to qualify for the ANHE.
“I first had to be in district band and send in a recording,” Wittkorn said. “Then I had to go to all-state where we did auditions. For Nationals you had to send in a recording again, and then you’re selected out of all of the people.”
Out of all the music students who applied approximately 600 were selected.
“There were about 600 people there including the choir, orchestra, jazz band and concert band,” Wittkorn said.
Along with Wittkorn there were around 150 people performing in the concert band, Wittkorn said.
After seeing approximately 1,000 people at the choir and jazz band concert Wittkorn expected there to be somewhere between 500 to 1,000 people to come and view their performance.
Outside of the rehearsals, the members were taken to Disney World.
“We got to go, after the rehearsal, to Epcot the first day.” Wittkorn said. “Then we went to Magic Kingdom.”
Wittkorn said although it takes hard work and dedication, the experience was worth it.
“It was definitely a good experience,” Wittkorn said. “I would encourage anyone else that wants to do it to go for it.”
While Wittkorn went for the musical experience, he did not plan on returning to Hays directly after the program ended.
“My family decided to make the trip a family vacation, so we decided to stay until the 10th,” Wittkorn said. “We went down to the Keys. Over all it was an amazing trip.”

Kayli Potter is a junior who is going into her second year of journalism. Outside of newspaper she enjoys spending time hanging with friends, playing with...