Orchestra plans trip for Oklahoma
For years, the September trip taken by Orchestra has been collectively referred to as “The Denver Trip,” but for two years it has taken a different turn. The Orchestra is going to Oklahoma City this week from Sept. 16 to Sept. 17.
Director Joan Crull said that they used to go to Denver, but for this year and the last, budget constraints made it so they could go to a less-expensive destination. Last year, the group traveled to Colorado Springs instead of Denver.
“I’m always hunting for a good concert,” said Crull. “It’s only five hours away and there’s no shortage of stuff to do.”
Crull said that some of their destinations in Oklahoma include Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial, Bricktown, which has “Earl’s Rib Palace,” a famous BBQ joint, and the Oklahoma City Phil-Harmonic, which the participating class will get to see live. Along with this, they will shop and do other recreational events in Oklahoma City.
This will be aided by the group’s fundraiser of Taco Shop gift cards. The cards cost $10 a piece, and for every card sold $3 go back to the Orchestra.
“We made hundreds of dollars last year with just a few kids selling cards,” Crull said. “Most of them got a good third of their trip paid for.”
Crull said the price for transportation has always been leveled out based on how many were participating, so it can be spread out. This year, the cost is about $130 with a deposit of $50 dollars and net pay of $60 dollars. Other expenses like food will be paid out of pocket.
“I’m most excited for the bus ride.” said freshman Camille Moore. “I get to continue the proud tradition of throwing oranges at Tom Drabkin.”
This is Elizabeth Lee and this is her second year in newspaper. She is in orchestra, draws Charlotte and co. and is looking forward to spending her senior...