22 albums to listen to when coping with your teen angst
Life can be such a hassle in high school, especially when no one really understands us. Whether it be friend drama, loneliness, relationships or stress, we’re all going through something. The following are albums some members of the Guidon staff compiled for you to be able to express all your angst.
1. Swim Deep- Where the Heaven Are We
Where the Heaven Are We was Swim Deep’s debut album. This group from Birmingham’s airy, carefree style embodies the daydreams we wallow in as teenagers.
Song to know: King City
2. Hole- Celebrity Skin
This group started out as a really loud and abrasive, but its music became more melodic over time. Melodic, yet combatant. Any song by Courtney Love is a perfect addition to any angry teenager’s soundtrack.
Song to know: Celebrity Skin
3. Ani DiFranco- Imperfectly
Ani DiFranco’s raw, emotional style is both effective and impressive. She sings mostly of oppression and overcoming it. Though she is very unique, she’s pretty relatable.
Song to know: What if No One’s Watching, or Imperfectly
4. David Bowie- Hunky Dory
This album is a nice one to listen to when you’re trying to change your world, and are feeling pretty aware of everything you’re going through.
Songs to know: Oh! You Pretty Things, Changes
5. Daughter- If You Leave
This is one of those soft and moody indie folk albums that you’d only listen to when feeling stressed and sad.
Song to know: Smother
6. Nirvana- In Utero
Let’s be honest, grunge music is what plays in every teen’s angry heart.
Song to know: Heart-Shaped Box
7. Keaton Henson- Birthdays
Keaton Henson is like sad Keanu giving feels guy a giant hug, resulting in a massive blob of pure sadness.
Song to know: Lying to You
8. Scout Niblett- This Fool Can Die Now
Scout Niblett does not sing punk rock music, but this homeless-by-choice artist who only performs on astrologically significant days is definitely punk rock. Her music is emotional and blunt.
Song to know: Dinosaur Egg
9. Green Day- American Idiot
Does this one even really need a description?
Song to know: American Idiot or Wake Me Up When September Ends
10. The Front Bottoms- Talon of the Hawk
When trying to come up with a description I decided this was the only way to capture the essence: indie pop punk emo radical sad stuff. This album is actually a really good one with poetic lyrics that manage to not be cryptic. Pretty relatable and catchy, the Front Bottoms capture teen angst in Talon of the Hawk.
Songs to know: Peach and Au Revoir
11. Alanis Morissette- Jagged Little Pill
This mid-90s alternative classic is anything but boring. Jagged Little Pill has songs that are so catchy, and so angsty.
Songs to know: Hand in My Pocket, All I Really Want
12. The Uncluded- Hokey Fright
The Uncluded is the surprisingly fabulous collaboration of folk singer Kimya Dawson and hip-hop artist, Aesop Rock. Their songs are blunt and tell some pretty vivid stories through their poetic lyrics. You wouldn’t expect these two artists to sound so good together, but somehow, they do, and their songs definitely help to cope with teen angst.
Song to know: Delicate Cycle
13. Daniel Johnston- Hi, How Are You
Daniel Johnston’s music is raw, emotional and for some, a little hard to listen to. However weird, Hi, How Are You is one of his many classic albums that has a bit of a cult following. Angst-filled and soft, this album is definitely a good one to listen to at some point. Best if listened to when you’re feeling weird and sad.
Song to know: Walking the Cow
14. Mischief Brew- Songs From Under the Sink
This folk-punk album is radically political. Fun to listen to when feeling angry about the system.
Song to know: Gratitude and Thanks
15. Modern Baseball- You’re Gonna Miss it All
Well, here’s some lyrics to explain why I chose this album:
“No amount of aspirin or pizza can help this from hurting.”
“So whatever, forever.”
Definitely angsty.
Song to know: Rock Bottom
16. Neutral Milk Hotel- On Avery Island
Neutral Milk Hotel is my favorite band so I’m biased, but to be completely honest, this has helped me in some of my angstiest times. This album is radical and emotional and poetic. Very good for when you’re sad or stressed or angry or feeling incredibly full of angst.
Song to know: Gardenhead/ Leave Me Alone
17. The Smiths- Louder than Bombs
Louder than Bombs is just one of the Smith’s crazy emotional albums. Literally any song by the Smiths will help you to cope with all your angry confusion.
Song to know: Asleep
18. Sonic Youth- Goo
Sonic Youth is so cool. This totally rad album is pretty punk rock and is a great way to channel all of your many feelings.
Song to know: Kool Thing
19. The 1975- the 1975
The emotional lyrics with the catchy tunes are so rad. Relatable and sometimes sad, each song tells a story.
Song to know: the City
20. The Mountain Goats- The Sunset Tree
The Sunset Tree is a beautiful album full of uplifting songs, though most have meanings a bit more grim than they appear.
Song to know: This Year
21. Yo La Tengo- Painful
Painful is one of several awesome records Yo La Tengo has put out. This one is especially good to help express your feelings.
Song to know: Big Day Coming
22. Ezra Furman- Perpetual Motion People
Ezra Furman is a young, clever and sometimes political, singer-songwriter. Perpetual Motion People has some pretty angsty songs on it.
Song to know: Restless Year

Brianna Mathias is a senior and this is her third year of being on the Guidon staff. She is a co-editor-in-chief and loves newspaper. She likes bees, folk-punk,...