Ten clubs our school should have
Poetry Club
This club would provide a space for young writers and readers of poetry to share their work, and the works of other poets. A poetry club would be all about inspiring one another and gaining skills to improve writing ability.
Astronomy Club
This club could study and discuss topics related to outer space and hold fun stargazing activities.
Students could share their favorite board, card or video games at each meeting and play them with the members of the club.
4. Fencing Club
Fencing could potentially be an engaging, interesting sport to introduce to our school, however, getting this one started would be incredibly difficult.
5. Mock Trial
Mock Trials would help students to learn more about our country’s judicial system. They would provide students the opportunity to try their hand at several different positions in the court room.
Model United Nations
A Model UN would teach students more about how the United Nations work in a fun environment.
Environmental Club
This club would help educate students about what they can do to help protect the environment and provide them with opportunities to raise awareness. Students could also plan activities to help clean up local parks and roads.
Table Tennis Club
Ping pong would be a fun sport to bring to our school for many students. Members of the club could hold practices and tournaments to help strengthen each member’s skills.
Culinary Club
A culinary club would help strengthen students’ cooking and baking skills by providing them opportunities to try out new recipes and learn about new foods.
American Sign Language Club
This club would help students learn key words and phrases in ASL which could prove very helpful in life.

Brianna Mathias is a senior and this is her third year of being on the Guidon staff. She is a co-editor-in-chief and loves newspaper. She likes bees, folk-punk,...
Trenton Potter • Sep 16, 2015 at 9:28 pm
Alrighty, let’s get a ping-pong club started. For real.
Ryan Cech • Sep 16, 2015 at 10:17 am
I agree with the gaming and the fencing.