Interesting facts
-If you eat a polar bear’s liver, you will die of a vitamin A overdose.
-“Friendstalker” was one of the early names considered for Twitter
-Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born on the same day
-In the Caribbean Islands and other parts of the world, donkey and horse meat is a common ingredient in pepperoni
-The word ‘bae’ is the Danish word for ‘poop.’
-The almond is technically not a nut, but is actually the pit of a fruit related to peaches, plums, and apricots.
-Historically, sweat has been an active ingredient in perfume and love potions.
-In the year 2000, Pope John Paul II was named an ‘Honorary Harlem Globetrotter.’
– There are more vacant houses than homeless people in the United States
-Russia did not consider beer to be alcohol until 2011. It was previously classified as a soft drink.
-The human eye can distinguish more shades of green than any other color
-In ancient Egypt, servants were smeared with honey in order to attract flies away from the Pharaoh.
-San Francisco’s Four Barrel Coffee bans their customer from ‘talking about annoying hipster topics’ in their premises.
-Country singer Dolly Parton anonymously entered a ‘Dolly Parton look-alike contest’ but lost to a drag queen.
-In Japan, there are more pets than there are children
-One fast food hamburger may contain meat from 100 different cows.

Brianna Mathias is a senior and this is her third year of being on the Guidon staff. She is a co-editor-in-chief and loves newspaper. She likes bees, folk-punk,...