Trystin Johnson, junior
“I find home where I can be myself and where I can do what I want without worrying what others think. Home for me is my house or my friend Cristian’s house. Things like that.”

Sophomore, Claire Shippy
“This morning I walked downstairs and there was a present waiting for me and I was really excited about it. I opened it up and it was my favorite chocolates, girl scout cookies, and some perfume that I really like so I was very happy about that.”

Sophomore, Grace Desbien
“In elementary school my mom got me a stuffed animal that sang the song Baby by Justin Bieber so I named the bear Justina Biebear.”

Sophomore, Hope Kisner
“One year when I was in elementary school my mom got us a fish on Valentine’s Day and we all wanted to name him Charlie, but she said we had to name him Valentino because it was Valentine’s Day. So we all called him Charlie but then my mom and dad would call him Valentino.”

Sophomore, Andrea Lopez
“My favorite Valentine’s Day memory is in elementary school when we would make the little boxes to put candy in, and I made a cookie monster box one year and people would put the candy in through his mouth and it was really cute.”

Sophomore, Antoni Leiker
“On Valentine’s Day during recess in elementary school I told a girl that I loved her under a bridge, but I’m gay.”

Sophomore, Kamryn Schoenberger
“I have a lot of good Valentine’s Day memories from elementary school when we would get so much candy."

Nathan Leiker, junior
"If I had a magic wand and could change anything about the school I would make it less white walls and more color, its very bland in this school, it needs more color."...

Ashley Vilaysing, sophomore
"If I had a magic wand and could change anything about the school I would change the amount of funding groups get because I feel certain groups get funded better than others and everything should be equally benefited from the school's resources."...

Gracie Wente, freshman
"If I had a magic wand and could change anything about the school I would expand the funding that would go to certain activities so that all the activities would have about the same funding so the activities that don't get to do as much as other activities do, they now can."...

Stanna Flinn, freshman
"If I had a magic wand and could change anything about the school I would change their food, because I'd make it so there was more options for people who were vegetarian or vegan or anything in the middle."...

Gabriela Arthur, senior
"If I had a magic wand and could change anything about the school I would change GPS to be a little less strict because if you have good grades I think you should be able to do more."...

Nick Zimmerman, senior
"If I had a magic wand and could change anything about the school I would make the chairs super comfortable."...

Rebecca Anderson, senior
"If I had a magic wand and could change anything about the school I would change homework because I could just flick my wand and my homework would be done."

Emry Lundy, freshman
“I would rather go with friends because I feel like I would have a lot more fun with friends and I wouldn’t feel under pressure.”

Brooklyn Burk, senior
“I would rather go with my friends because I feel like if you go with a date you can’t have as much fun. I like my friends better than anyone else.”

Gracie Wente, freshman
“I’d rather not go to the dance at all. You’d think they’re fun, but they’re kind of boring. I’d rather stay home with friends and watch a movie.” – Gracie Wente, freshman

Junior, Derrick Aragon
"My favorite holiday memory is for Christmas when I was like six I got Pokemon Fire Red for the Gameboy, it was pretty dope."

Junior, Marshall Perryman
"My favorite holiday memory is when my great grandparents were alive and we would always go visit them in Scott City and catch up on things."

Sophomore, Kilee Hale
"My worst holiday memory is when I asked for Justin Bieber concert tickets and instead I got Legos."

Sophomore, Grace Desbien
"When I was little my dad used to pull a sled behind his car and drive around my street."

Fernanda Sustaita, junior
“A good friend is someone who is funny so can never have a bad time in case you’re ever feeling sad and someone you can trust if you ever have problems you need to talk about.”

Rick Keltner, instructor
"The nicest thing anyone's ever done for me, well growing up you know my parents were awesome. I married a wonderful woman, she's been nice to me so many times. I've got children and grandchildren now that have been nice to me more than once. I don't think I can pick one thing and I'm grateful I can say that."

Brandi Lang, junior
"The nicest thing someones ever done for me was buy me my car, which was from my parents."

Shannon Smith, junior
'The nicest thing anyone has ever done for me is pay for my food because I'm broke."

Eythun Wyatt, sophomore
"The nicest thing anybody has ever done for me was, Scout Perryman, we were all sitting together in a circle and it was during musical. He was sitting there talking about musical and he was like 'You know the most important character? The train conductor.' It made my entire day a trillion times better."

Ashton Koerner, freshman
“My favorite song is ‘Measure of Your Breath’ because it’s calming and good for homework, so I listen to it in GPS all the time.”

Nathan Leiker, junior
“I’d have to say ‘I Will Survive’ is my favorite song because I like to bring out my inner-diva when I sing it.”

Hannah McGuire, senior
“My favorite song is ‘Lemonade’ by Jeremy Passion because the lyrics are beautiful and it has the ukulele in the background which is my favorite instrument to listen to.”

Jonathan Rupe, Sophomore
"The best Halloween costume I've ever had was probably when I was a pirate."

Marshall Perryman, Junior
"My favorite Halloween costume of mine was when I was a soldier, because I dressed as one for like five years in a row, because I wanted to be a soldier and follow in my grandpas footsteps."

Kyah Summers, Sophomore
"My favorite Halloween costume I've ever had would probably be my Dora costume. Everyone says I look like Dora so when I wore it people said I didn't even look different."

Sophia Garrison, Sophomore
"My favorite Halloween costume was when I was in sixth grade and I was a sharknado, because it was a really terrible movie but it was a really bomb costume and I made it myself."

Hope Schumacher, Sophomore
"One time we were in Oklahoma and I had a bow and arrow thing and I wasn't looking and I just kind of shot it and I was less than a foot away from my brother. He tried to reach out and catch it and then my dad yelled at us."

Ayden Gonzalez, Sophomore
"The stupidest thing I've done is probably breaking my arm on a swing-set."

Adrian Drees, Junior
"One of the stupidest things I've ever done is when I jumped off a cliff into a river, that was not meant to be jumped off of. I just did it and hurt my arm pretty bad."

Paige Polifka Denson, Junior
"The last day of drivers ed. I turned out of the high school parking lot onto the left side of the road, I drove for a bit before Mr. Hejny stopped me."

Hanna Dannar, Junior
“During Musical my freshman year, we did Bye Bye Birdie, and I was a part of the stage crew. They had built a second level on the stage like the way they did for The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I was working at top of the second level during practice, and I accidentally knocked a chair right off the back of the stage. Paige and I screamed and Jennie came running over to see if we were okay. It was pret...

Alisara Arial, Sophomore
“We were on the way back from WKOF, and Tom really had to pee, but he was told to wait. Suddenly he says ‘Okay, I’m about to explode. We need to stop somewhere.’ So we stop on the side of the road beside a bunch of dark trees, he waddles off into the trees, and he’s just gone for a while. And then he waddles back and everything is good.”

Morgan Noone, Sophomore
“Five years ago, my brother Myles and I went to see the first Avengers movie, and when we got home he started pretending to be the Hulk. My mom had all my old Barbies out for a garage sale, so my brother grabbed one of the Barbies and started throwing it around like the Hulk and smashed it on the ground, popping off its head. We didn’t want to get in trouble, so we threw it in our neighbors’...

Cade Swayne, Senior
“It was the last day of summer before school started and I was with Scout Perryman and Cameron Karin. Our friend, Spencer Wittkorn, was at basic training all summer and wouldn’t be back until two weeks before school started. So we decided to make a life size model of him and we hung out with him all day, and then brought him to the first day of school.”

Sidney Wittkorn, Freshman
“One time in 7th grade, this kid literally threw a metal nail at my butt, so I was pretty annoyed with him. So one day I took his trapper and hid it, and for a lot of the class, he didn’t have his trapper. Finally, our teacher noticed that he didn’t have his stuff, and he pointed and me and said that I had hid it. So now that I was busted, I had to go get it, and it was really embarrassing because ev...

Grant Karlin, Junior
“One time in San Diego, I was there, but I didn’t want to be there because my mom made me. I ending up puking everywhere because I got sick in San Diego.”

Gabriela Arthur, Senior
“One year, I think I was in middle school, I thought it would be funny to fill a Ziploc bag with water and stick it in my brother’s shoe so when he was putting it on the bag would explode and water would get everywhere, but instead it didn’t do anything. He just almost fell over on the floor.”
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