Different hubs throughout the school become homes-away-from-home
April 26, 2017
The average Kansas student will spend approximately 5,000 hours in class throughout their high school career. However, these hours don’t include the extracurricular activities that 60 percent of all high school students participate in.
With all that time spent in one location, it’s not uncommon for teens to pick a hub within the school and treat it like a second home.
Junior Dusty Schneider understands this concept by participating in FFA.
“I spend a lot of time down in the agriculture room to practice and to learn more about our upcoming events and contests so we can do our best,” Schneider said. “It’s become a place people just know to find me at. Down there we can all help each other out and work for a common goal and the people down there have become my family.”
The feeling of family and friendship is a mutual reason for some of the music kids feeling at home in their rooms.

“A place that’s the most comforting for me is probably the choir room,” sophomore Hannah McGuire said. “Everyone is uplifting and believes in you and pushs you to do your best and have the confidence to like try out for solos and stuff.” McGuire said.
Music has been an integral part of McGuire’s life since she was young. The vocal rooms, McGuire said, allow for her to express herself freely and become more involved with people with similar interests.
“I’m glad I participated in choir because I met a lot of really awesome people and [our instructor] Mr. Matlock is such a good teacher and person in general,” McGuire said.
Sophomore Zac Wyse has had the same experience with the choir room and the people that make it seem like a home-away-from-home.
“It’s such an important place because it’s where all of my friends hang out,” Wyse said. “It’s a place I love because I love to sing. It’s more comfortable there because I trust the people and I know them more than other places around the school.”
Another place where people may not think to realize is a second home to some is the ESL room. Junior Michelle Silvestre understands that.
“[The ESL room] means a lot to me because that is where I am from and have a great time there and many memories,” Silvestre said. “I spend my time there because we understand each other’s culture and there’s a good vibe of the people I’m with and the laughs.”
All-in-all, these students agree it’s good to have a place where you feel comfortable within the school.
“Sometimes kids just don’t feel comfortable at their house,” McGuire said. “Maybe it’s a bad home life or maybe they just flat out don’t like it. So, it’s good for those kids to have a place to go in school where they get to feel comfortable and appreciated.”