Family Studies gives students opportunity to interact with kids
Family Studies is a course designed to prepare students for the role of parenting, introduce childcare as a career, and help students learn more about children and their development. The semester class is offered to juniors and seniors. This spring, there are two family studies classes taught by instructor Sue Ann Tebo, with 28 students in each class. According to Tebo, the class is geared more...

Instructor, coach Rick Keltner sponsors Spirit Club
At every football and basketball game, the students and fans are given a theme for the night. The themes include, but are not limited to, pink out, white out, black out, camo night, favorite player and American night. These themes are chosen by the school Spirit Club. “Spirit Club is designed to help bring more school spirit into assemblies and games,” Co-President Kallie Leiker said. “It...

Welding classes give students industrial experience
Welding classes at Hays High include Introduction to Metals, Technical Applications, Production Welding I and Production Welding II. “Welding or metal fabrication is spread over quite a broad group of professions,” welding instructor Nathan Howard said. “The information that is used in welding can be used in sculpture, jewelry making, engineering, farming and automotive and oil industries.” In...

Game design gives students experience for the future
Students looking for a challenging programming experience might consider Game Design and Authoring for the Web, a class that is offered only in the fall. According to the course guide, the class utilizes basic concepts, methods and skills in programming while creating video games through interactive software. “In class, students are put into a simulated internship environment,” instructor...

Instructor Abby Gillan gives insight on AP Government
One class that seniors are required to take before they graduate is a government class. Seniors can choose to take either AP Government or Government. If the course is successfully completed, students will be able to describe processes of U.S government, explain typical political processes, interpret basic data relevant to U.S. government and politics, and critically analyze theories and concepts. AP...

Advanced Physics class prepares students for college
Advanced Physics is a year long class offered mainly to seniors and is taught by instructor Cheryl Shepherd-Adams. “Physics is the study of everything,” Shepherd-Adams said. “From inside the nuclei, interactions inside the nuclei of atoms, way out to interaction on the big scale, on the scale of the cosmos.” Physics is mainly taken by seniors but some juniors and occasionally even freshman...

Audio Video Productions class helps students develop communication skills
Audio Video Productions is an elective course taught by instructor Dan Balman. There is an advanced class offered to sophomores, juniors and seniors and an intro class for freshman. The main goal of the intro class is to get students comfortable using a camera, working with editing software and understanding how communication works. “To get to the point where you are comfortable, first you...

Personal Finance enlightens students on financial future
On the first day of Personal Finance class, instructor Shaina Prough begins the semester by showing her students a TEDx talk by investment specialist Alexa von Toble entitled “One Life-Changing Class You Never Took.” Lucky enough for the students taking Personal Finance, they are already enrolled in said “life-changing” class. Prough said she is partial to teaching the course because of the...

Students participate in life-skills classes
Basic Food Prep is a class offered to all grade levels and is a semester long class. “I took the class because I’m good at cooking but I’m not good at watching the time it takes to cook,” freshman Haley Nottingham said. “I try to learn as much as I can when we take notes.” In class, students make several dishes over the course of the semester, learn how to make several dishes themselves and...

Students watch anime after school
If you’re looking for a way to spend your Wednesdays, Anime Club might be right for you. Instructor Jolene Windholz hosts Anime Club every first and third Wednesdays of the month. Windholz described the group as a welcoming environment. “We started the club as a place to watch anime,” Windholz said. “Anime is misunderstood by a lot of people, and we watch only G or PG.” Senior Ben Rose establ...

Welding and woods students show different projects at Fort Hays
From fire pits to equipment, several students from woods and welding will be showing different projects at the mid-Kansas technical show on April 27 and 28 at Fort Hays. “Students around the western Kansas area are bringing projects in to show them off,” instructor Nathan Howard said. The object of the show is to present what students from this part of the state are capable of doing. While...

FCA offers religious opportunities for student athletes
Although separation of church and state is still alive and well, one religion-based club offered for student athletes is the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). Our FCA “huddle,” or group, meets every Friday morning before school prior to spring break. After spring break, FCA continues with leadership meetings. A typical FCA meeting starts with a prayer followed by a devotional lesson...

Oral Communications gives students opportunity to hone speaking skills
Fundamentals of Oral Communications is a semester-long elective class offered to juniors and seniors for three hours of concurrent credit through Fort Hays State University. English instructor, Diane Mason, teaches the course. According to the Hays High Course Guide, the class “examines theories and practices relevant to acquiring skill in interpersonal relations and public speaking. Students deve...

Teachers give insight on Woodworking and Metals
Woodworking and metals are two classes that have been taught at Hays High for many years. This year, teacher Nathan Howard oversees them. Throughout the year, Howard has three classes of woodworking and three of metals. The number of students in these classes is lower than one would expect. “Woodworking is in the 20s,” Howard said. “Metals is down a little bit and we’re sitting at about...

Former student becomes new soccer coach
Silas Hibbs, a former student of Hays High, has become the new girls and boys soccer coach. During his high school days, Hibbs participated in soccer, basketball and track. He played on the state runner-up soccer team in 2002. After graduating, Hibbs continued with soccer at Tabor College in Hillsboro. He graduated from Tabor summa cum laude and was a four-time Academic All-American. Hibbs w...

Emerging Tech makes students more familiar with technology
According to Emerging Tech teacher Suzanne Stark, Emerging tech is a class to explore new technologies and become skilled on classes that are already available here at HHS. “Exploring the Surface is first on the calendar,” Stark said. “We tweak settings to make the individual devices more useful to each user.” Stark said the class moves on to Google cardboard activities after they become...

Psychology offers students a chance to learn about themselves
In his primarily junior and senior Psychology class, Matt Brooks’ favorite part of teaching psychology is getting to tell and prove to students that they do control a lot of their lives. “Many students think they have little to no control over things,” Brooks said. “My goal is to help students understand the amount of control they actually have.” Brooks also said his main...
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