Varsity Scholars Bowl places second at Phillipsburg tournament

The score sheet for the Phillipsburg meet hangs on a wall outside the school’s cafeteria. Teams checked the sheet in between rounds to see the win-loss records of other teams.

Varsity Scholars Bowl placed second at the Phillipsburg Invitational on Jan. 27.

The students who competed were senior Levi Hickert (captain), juniors Andrew Duke and Alicia Feyerherm, sophomore Liahna Hyatt and freshman Evan Dealy.

The meet was a round robin tournament with nine rounds.

The team ended with an 8-1 record.

Round 1: Hays vs. Stockton (130-10)

Round 2: Hays vs. Decatur Community High School (80-10)

Round 3: Hays vs. TMP (60-70)

Round 4: Hays vs. Osborne (120-0)

Round 5: Hays vs. Smith Center (100-0)

Round 6: Hays vs. Phillipsburg (60-30)

Round 7: Hays vs. Ellis (75-10)

Round 8: Hays vs. Norton (100-10)

Round 9: Hays vs. Plainville (90-0)

“The meet was pretty good,” Duke said. “We had one ‘off’ round, and that’s the only reason we didn’t get first, so I’m pretty happy we got second.”