Senior speaks of differences between clubs and sports


Kamryn Schoenberger

Senior Cori Isbell participates in a multitude of sports and clubs. Isbell thinks there are differences between the two including sports being more like a family than a club.

Every year, students have the opportunity to join clubs or sports. Getting involved in high school is not an uncommon thing to do.

Students can join any and as many clubs as they wish. Sports, on the other, hand are different. Depending on the sport and what season, students are usually only allowed to do one sport at a time. While differences are a major factor of clubs and sports, they are both enjoyable to participate in.

Senior Cori Isbell said clubs involve more independent work than sports do. Being president of the Red Cross Club, Isbell has seen the differences of how club members communicate and interact with each other. They also plan and contribute to how and how many blood donors would be reasonable for our blood banks.

“I like how being in Red Cross Club members have more opportunities to be independent,” Isbell said, “and it helps with social skills as well.”

Going out and looking for donors is a key component and task that each individual student that is involved to do.

Personalities in clubs help gather new donors, for example, having an outgoing personality in the Red Cross Club can help recruit new donors and bring back past donors.

Isbell also mentioned that clubs seem more laid back and are intense in their own ways.

While Isbell participates in a number of sports, basketball, tennis and soccer, she also knows the different environment of sports. Soccer, being one of her specialties, is way more intense and competitive.

“Sports are really hype because of the parents and students who come out and support,” Isbell said.

Sports involve more team work and excitement for winning a game. Isbell also gave the idea the sports are designed to develop ones owns skills with the help of their teammates. Sports are known to develop strong relationships among teammates.

“I would say that when you’re in sports, it is more of a second family than with clubs,” Isbell said.